4. The Currency of Cool

There are so many products that people need to be into to be perceived as cool that they simply cannot afford them all - or even would want them all - even if ownership bestowed 'cool' on the owner.

The real currency of cool isn't being the first to own a new product - it is to be the first to know about it. To know when it is coming out, details about the product, what the packaging looks like, what the advertising is like etc.

The speed and access to information via the internet makes it even harder to be first with the knowledge. So the recognition of being the first 'in the know' is even more sought after and revered.

It's not the people using the latest stuff who are the coolest - its the people that know what they will be wearing next that marketing agencies should be talking to.


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p.s. I like to take a look at other blogs to get some ideas as to how I am going to form mine. make money online working is related to my future blog building.

January 5, 2006 at 10:15:00 AM GMT  

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